Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Picture Day With Maxie Baby

Sara and I decided we would take a picture together with our dog Max. Well, really the dog belongs to Jacob Lanier - we inherited the big black slobber fling-er when they moved (deserted us) to Missouri.

Anyway, Jacob misses "Maxie Baby" so we (Sara) thought a picture of the three of us together would be a cute present for his birthday. The cats would have been a nice addition too but that would have been a...ahem, catastrophe. Wow I actually used it in a sentence. The pictures, though, were not going good. Max was never in the right place when the camera timer went off. I think it was a conspiracy on the Drooling-one's part to get more "family" time.

After many failures we were completely soaked and decided to make a quick video clip and hope for the best. I think the clip speaks for itself. Yes, it does appear that I push Sara into the leaves - which I did not. Also, I did not "fake fall" as CNN and Fox News reported. My center of gravity was just slighty over enough in the wrong way to cause a slow descent into the leaf pile.

Happy Birthday Jacob!!

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